Thursday, April 17, 2014

How do you avoid Antibiotics when you're sick? Do Herbs REALLY work?

There are many common problems I treat quite easily with Herbs & Acupuncture that many folks don't realize they can not only heal but prevent through natural treatment .  Here's a short list of issues I have successfully treated:

  • Bladder Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds/Bronchitis)
  • Constipation
  • Sore Throat 
  • Flu
  • Recovery after Cold & Flu
  • Yeast Infections
  • Rashes & Skin issues
  • Recovery after surgery (eyes, leg, knee, shoulder, and more)
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Menstrual disorders

Something I treat a lot in my practice is weakened digestive, immune, and urinary tract issues from over use and prescription of antibiotics.  These drugs, which can be real lifesavers, have become a cultural crisis.  We aren't getting there - we are there.   And unfortunately this isn't an over exaggerated statement from your local Hippie Acupuncturist - this is something the American and Global Medical Establishment understands and has warned about for many many years now.

Yet, if you walk into most doctors offices, they still prescribe antibiotics very loosely and freely, making the Z-Pack a common place and frequent part of our "stay healthy" regiment.   Doctors are simply using a tool they have had for some time and their patients have become accustomed to getting them with little resistance.   With not much else to offer even though most doctors know better, it is a hard habit to break and it is hurting us.

Please check out these articles below for more information about the Anti-biotic crisis, or Google the topic for more information.

While I don't want you to stress about the larger issue, it is important to be informed regarding your own health options and choices for you and your family.  There are other options!  

Without antibiotics how do we overcome those really nasty infections?  

Well, believe it or not, HERBS can be very effective when you get to an acute stage.  Sometimes this is very very difficult for American's to understand or believe.  We think that because we live in the greatest country on earth, we have surly heard of and have access to, everything.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  When it comes to non-pharmaceutical options we are woefully uninformed.   Many hospitals around the world use herbs in IV drips and as prescription medication for colds and flu all the way up to cancer treatment (cancer treatment with herbs is not allowed in the US).

If you are tuned in and catch symptoms early (don't go into denial!) it is a very good bet some herbs can cure what ails you.  You can also get tips and learn about what to look out for from people like me... there are almost always very early signs many of us ignore because we don't recognize the cycle until it becomes a pain, ache, or sniffle.  

Go to your Acupuncturist to learn how to become a better health detective!  Most of us want to teach you, and want you to see us when you're well so we can keep you that way.

Brief Case Studies : Woman with Chronic Bronchitis & Pneumonia

Patient comes to see me after 15 years of reoccurring bronchitis and pneumonia.  She knows when it is coming and how it will hit her body, like clock work it comes every year about the same time or when she is really stressed.   Green, dark yellow, and brown phlegm, barking cough.  Typically it starts in her throat and moves fast into the chest.   She was on antibiotics when we met and had a great deal of digestive difficulty.  She realized the digestive trouble was from over use of antibiotics.

At the first meeting, we worked on her digestion and agreed she may very likely get hit again with the upper respiratory infection in the next season change. So I told her to look out for those early signs and get in to see me quickly.  She did, and within the 24 hours prior to seeing me it has already progressed from a sore throat to green mucus in the nose.  She was very scared, but agreed to give herbs a try for a day or two before starting her revolving prescription to antibiotics.  I could see and hear her skepticism of an herbal formula knocking out such an intense and chronic infection.

Guess what?  They worked.  4 years later not only has this patient been off antibiotics ever since, but, that was the last time she got bronchitis or pneumonia.  Why?  The cycle of damage to the immune system caused by the antibiotics had been broken.  With the power of anti-virtal and anti-biotic based herbs we killed the infection without weakening the body, thereby strengthening her bodies immune response.  The herbs themselves also provide support to the organ functions along with killing the infection - so the body came out stronger.

3 Recent Patients with Chronic UTI

Short and sweet.  All 3 of these patients had recurring UTI infections. 2 of the 3 had them for more than 5 years and all 3 patients were on antibiotics or, had taken them for a long time.  Yeast infections were also an issue in 2 of these patients because the antibiotics wiped out the natural flora and pH balance causing this common double whammy.

Each patient had a different diagnosis and needed different formulas, 2 of the 3 also required a round of acupuncture treatment to strengthen the organ systems that had been weakened over time.  All 3 successfully got off antibiotics.  1 patient has been off them for 2 years, another, for just over 1 year and the latest patient, just had a reoccurrence and the herbs immediately knocked the infection out.  Yup.

Sometimes you need the MD

I am not opposed to western/allopathic medicine.  Emergency care as well as epidemic diseases are what they do best. But prevention and wellness are not a hallmark of this part of our care system.  We want  and need to save the big guns for the big diseases.  For daily health, care and wellbeing, try out your local Acupuncturist & Herbalist.  Not only will you get better, you can strengthen your body to avoid many of these illnesses altogether.  

  • Questions about this?   Come to my talks at Kinesis and become more informed about how Eastern Medical care can improve your health and habits regarding wellness and health.  Set up and appointment to learn more and get treatment.
  • Know you are prone to certain issues like cold and flu?  Let me know and I will be sure to keep formulas in stock so they are on hand when you need them.

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