Both 'bugs' can be fierce and feel terrible zapping your energy. There are a few remedies you can try at home. Here are some details:
Vomiting and Diarrhea. Grab some FRESH ginger and use a carrot peeler to slice thin pieces you can eat. Eat it raw and fresh. Start slowly with just a few, never eat more than you can handle comfortably - over medicating will not help.
Ginger will help to stop both vomit and diarrhea and calm your stomach. It can help to kill certain organisms that might be causing the problem. If it is a bit too spicy for you, you may take a taste of raw honey with it, 1 tsp. or less.
If you have been vomiting or have had diarrhea, you must then follow up with pure coconut water. This will quickly and efficiently replenish your electrolyte balance and fluids in a way water cannot. If you don't like the flavor you can water it down or think of it as medication, its for your health. Speedy recovery will ensue.
Upper Respiratory phlegm, cough, or chest tightness. Once again, Ginger can be your friend. This time, get the RAW fresh herb, slice 3-4 pieces about half an inch thick and boil in water for 5 minutes. This will make a spicy tea. You may add a tea spoon of honey if you prefer it. (No sugar though)
Get yourself a bundle of FRESH mint from the market. Tear off a handful and in warm/hot (but not boiling) water, steep the mint for 5 minutes, drink this all day. The mint is cooling and will help open up the chest and the eyes.
The truth is, colds and flus are around all year but they spread more rapidly at this time for a couple of reasons. Our bodies energetic resources (i.e. parts of our immunity) go into a bit of a hibernation at this time of year.
Pulses slow down and we go to bed earlier, it is harder to wake up. It is winter, things slow down. Our jobs and lives in this culture do not change however so we are expected to maintain the same rigors. For this reason, we become weaker and less able to fight off the elements and "bugs". We are pushing our bodies in ways not natural for the time of year, and our bodies can't take it.
#1 Rule:
If you feel a bit tired and run down, REST, STOP. Give your body a chance to catch up, you may help it fight something early and avoid prolonged illness, or any illness simply by resting!
#2 rule:
Start eating herbs in your food, drink teas with fresh herbs (not tea bags) and take note of small body changes. Are your eyes tired? Does your neck feel achy or stiff, does your back hurt, do you have a headache or a heavy feeling? A tickle in your throat? If you do, STOP. Take action before things progress.
#3 rule:
Always listen to your body and intuition. Flu and cold have the potential to be very serious. If you have prolonged or agressive symptoms do not delay going to an ER. Dehydration and Pnemonia can hit fast and swift under the right conditions. You are your best doctor if you listen to your body, only you can feel what it is telling you.
Dietary Considerations - Eat with the season
Don't eat summer foods, it is winter time and those foods grow for a reason. They are in sync with natural forces that rule nature and our bodies. Use them, they are medicine!
Broths, soups, stews. Warm comforting foods that include all of the tips above. They contain herbs, broth, and vegetables and meats that are appropriate for the season. AVOID raw and cold foods and if you do eat them, limit the amount using them early in the morning only (such as juicing).
Get a sweat on! Foods that can open pores and help the body push out toxins are helpful if you're feeling a bit under the weather. Cinnamon, onion, garlic, ginger, spicy peppers, these open the senses and help the body purge.
For prevention beyond home treatment your local holistic medical provider has remedies much stronger than what is available to you at home. Herbs, Gua Sha, Cupping, and Acupuncture, treatment will vary on your condition. Even if you miss the window to stop or slow the onset, there are herbs and treatments available to assist with a more rapid recovery.
Stay Healthy! Be Well!
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